Military & Armed Forces
Our Military Stock Photos are sure to Add Sentiment to Everything You Make!!
Select from popular and meaningful military and patriotic images including special images for Military Moms and Families. Your PenPeep comes complete and ready to install. It includes all the parts you will need for any size pen having a finished barrel diameter of 8.5mm - 20mm. The photos shown include the square border that is not present in the stanhope image you order. When you look inside your Pen Peep or Charm, you will see only the image or text. Available in 3 finishes. CLICK HERE to see the installation instructions Use them in turned items like pens and key chains, jewelry pendant & charms, carved works from wood, bone, antler & other materials you like. You can put a PenPeep in any item you can drill a hole through! You put a lot of well spent time & effort into your work and you want it to stand out. PenPeeps get your work noticed & remembered. PenPeeps are instant conversation pieces and elevate your creations in a curious and exiting way. PenPeeps are easy to install in most any item you can make or use them in products that are already finished as an adornment. Add value and appeal to anything with a stock image stanhope PenPeep.
Select from popular and meaningful military and patriotic images including special images for Military Moms and Families. Your PenPeep comes complete and ready to install. It includes all the parts you will need for any size pen having a finished barrel diameter of 8.5mm - 20mm. The photos shown include the square border that is not present in the stanhope image you order. When you look inside your Pen Peep or Charm, you will see only the image or text. Available in 3 finishes. CLICK HERE to see the installation instructions Use them in turned items like pens and key chains, jewelry pendant & charms, carved works from wood, bone, antler & other materials you like. You can put a PenPeep in any item you can drill a hole through! You put a lot of well spent time & effort into your work and you want it to stand out. PenPeeps get your work noticed & remembered. PenPeeps are instant conversation pieces and elevate your creations in a curious and exiting way. PenPeeps are easy to install in most any item you can make or use them in products that are already finished as an adornment. Add value and appeal to anything with a stock image stanhope PenPeep.